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Constipated crias

We have had some enquiries regarding what to do with a constipated cria. Sometimes if the cria is a bit slow to get that first drink of colostrum, they may have trouble passing the meconium as colostrum has a laxative effect. We find Microlax is very gentle and does the trick.

Microlax is a mild laxative enema that is for human consumption, although it is quite safe to be used on alpaca crias. It can be purchased from any chemist. To use, warm up the single serve in your hands, gently insert in to the rectum of the cria, and squeeze in all the content (about 5 mls).

After the procedure, watch the cria to see if it passes. If later the cria still seems to be straining over the poo pile, another Microlax will not harm them.

Alpaca Maintenance - More information on alpacas

Putting weight on thin alpacas
Fencing for alpacas
How to determine signs of a sick alpaca
Basic first aid kit for alpacas
Alpaca body temperatures
Can cold and wet weather affect alpacas?
Making sense of the alpaca fibre analysis
Rye grass staggers
Taking the perfect alpaca photograph
Facial abscess
Berserk male syndrome
Vitamin D
Constipated crias
Preparation for Winter
Keeping alpaca records
Alpacas need head-space
Testing for parasites
Birthing help
Cutting Toenails
A Working Dog's Guide to Alpacas
Paddock Maintenance
Alpacas for Pets
Alpacas as Sheep Guardians